Castile soap is one of nature's most natural and multi-functional cleaners. It is made of vegetable oils - usually olive, but can include coconut or others as well. It doesn't remove the glycerine from the oils, so it is also moisturizing. Because it is made of vegetable oil, it is so safe it is edible! It can be used in small amounts, diluted with water, to clean floors, bathrooms, hands, faces, hair, dishes, etc. If you google "castile soap" you will find many, many blogs and sites on how to use it. The most common brand I am aware of is Dr. Bronner's. www.drbronner.com It is certified fair trade, organic, and easy to find. It is often sold at health/vitamin stores, but my favorite place to buy it is at Trader Joe's in The States. A 1 quart bottle is around $10. www.traderjoes.com My favorite use for it??? I recycle old foaming soap containers (like from Bath and Body Works), add two good squirts of castile, fill the rest up with water, and it is the most perfect nontoxic, non-drying hand soap.